Monday, October 11, 2010

Waddup world :)

In this blog, I'll talk about life and how I see it, through my eyes. I'll try to make the complicated stuff in life seems clearer to you and much more in detail through my perspective, hence the title "Life in Technicolor HD" cause you'll see things in *drumroll*   -   HD ! ! ! BD *nerdy smile*

I'll fill in every week about problems people usually face in their daily lives and how you can avoid/go through it. I tell you now that everything I post is what I really feel about life, and if you can't accept it, I guess that's why they invented the close button. I hope you enjoy my blog and follow me if you find my blog helpful. Oh and one more thing, in this blog, if you do not rock, i'll throw a rock at you >:O last but not least, just have fun with it and if by some chance you like my advices and you need one of your own or if there's beef you want to settle with me, you can always email me on

PS: everything I post is on how I view life. And sometimes, what seems true to me might not be true to you but i'll try to keep it neutral (remember, i said "i'll try") =D



  1. awesome , u didn't write any topics yet but already 4 reactions :)

  2. haha most likely it's the same person trying to screw with me
