Sunday, November 14, 2010

Crossroad to Happiness (:

A relationship can be amazing, and it can also be the worst mistake you’ve ever made. Ignore the drama and emotions to a relationship gone bad, we can see that the buildup of a relationship eventually and ironically causes a relationship to end. People tend to rush into things, believing that its okay nothing could possibly go wrong. The fact that they believe they know everything about that person boosts their spirits into skipping all the steps and straight to the final step. I’ll say this once boys and girls, when you think its okay, it never is.

However, not all is lost. Here are some guidelines for you to look into before taking it to the next step.

Spiritual – a person’s actions can only tell you so much about a person. It is easy to fake character, but it is impossible to change a person’s spirit. People who seem nice on the outside might not be as nice as you think. And people who seem bad on the outside might just be the nicest person you’ll ever meet. Now what you want to do is, push that person. Push them to the point where they’ll show you their true colors. Put them in a place they’re not comfortable with and they’ll have to do something about it: a crying baby or maybe burning their shirts for example will surely expose their true colors. If they react to these problems differently than they would normally around you, then this person is not worth it. Because like everything in life, consistency is the foundation of any relationship.

Background – the person’s history and biography is always important. Because above all, you’ll want to have a person you can actually have in common with. Someone who’ll laugh with you for no apparent reason, and someone to cry with you whenever you feel like it. If there’s no connection like this, they’re not the one for you. Maybe as a friend, but nothing more.

Intellect – the brain is the sexiest part of a human being. And a smart person is always a plus side. Now I’m not talking about book smarts. But smart in the sense that the way they think compliments the way you think. How easily it is to strike up a conversation can be a good guideline in this part. If you can take any simple object and turn it into an hour long of sheer goodness, then by all means you guys are awesome together. It doesn’t matter if you agree or disagree with each other, the fact that you can talk effortlessly and there’s not a single trace of awkwardness is already good enough.

Appearance – this is probably the least important of them all. If you prioritize this section the most, then you might as well save yourself the heartbreak because things would most likely go down the drain. But yes, this is a bonus if you could get. But if you can’t, well you don’t need this in the first place. Beauty is just for the very reason to have beautiful children but sad thing is, most of them aren’t as nice as they are good looking. So simply put, when looking to settle down, don’t care about beauty on the outside. Find someone who loves you for who you are, someone whose beauty is where it matters, on the inside.


  1. I love your posts. They make sense and are all mostly very true. keep up muizz :D :D

  2. thank you very much :D i try my best and it's good to know someone's reading (: love xoxoxo

  3. Awesome Muizz. (Y) Pure awesomeness. I mentioned you in my blog too. You have a skill in wirting my man.
